Modals or pop-up dialogs Modal and pop-up dialogs are windows that float above the main website window. These vary from cookie disclaimers, error messages, special promotions, etc. When reviewing the design, you should treat them like a floating card with a super important CTA. However, be sure to provide a clearly visible button that allows the user to close the popup and continue with the main content. Otherwise, it gives a very unpleasant UX. Clipping Path Service Same Source You can learn more about designing this type of website component here. 5. Tips for Effective Use of Figma Here are some additional handy tips on using Figma for web design: Use automatic layout.
Strive to use as much auto-layout as possible and keep your frames in good working order and hierarchy. This way, your design work can be easily accessed by your teammates, developers, and any other collaborators. Clipping Path Service Also, name your frames and layers accordingly and in a recognizable way so that every team member can understand where to go or what needs to be done next. Compress your images. Keep in mind that when importing raster images, Figma performs general compression. Avoid overloading your page with high resolution screenshots and JPG files. Sure, a moodboard and a photo of a paper sketch can be helpful, but also consider people with slower PCs and weaker GPU cards.
Use the Comments function. Commenting in Figma makes it easy to collaborate with teammates in real time. You can leave messages for them to seek their input and discuss pressing issues, review their feedback on designs, and follow up on any questions that may arise. Avoid placeholder text. Placeholder text, also known as LOREM IPSUM, Clipping Path Service is commonly used in design, especially when using stock templates and graphics. However, leftovers of it in the final design can lead to a really unpleasant user experience. Instead, you can use texts from Wikipedia, related to the topic/context. If you're short on time, there's a Figma plugin that lets you fill your pages quickly.